Job Vacancy

Call for select 3 EU Project evaluation experts for the external evaluation of the ARTEMIS PROJECT co-funded by the Justice program of the European Union

1. Objective of the call

EBIT SRL is requesting expressions of interest from qualified experts to conduct the independent evaluation of the project “ARTEMIS – Promoting the right of protection of women through the application of the EC Directive 2011/99/EU and the European Protection Order”, co-funded by the Justice program of the European Union. The objective of the evaluation procedure will be to assess the relevance of the project results for the stakeholders, the validation of the information resulting from the activities and the adherence of the results achieved to the project’s objectives.

2. Tasks and responsabilities

Experts will work on the elaboration of the final external evaluation according to their field of competence and the requirements expressed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator. They will receive activity report and internal evaluation documents to be evaluated. They will perform a remote evaluation of the proposals, which implies giving scores and written comments for each criteria of evaluation (efficiency, methodological coherence, relevance, transferability) by January 15, before attending the project final conference, foreseen between 21 and 26 January 2021. The experts will be supported by the ARTEMIS Project Manager and Monitoring Coordinator during the evaluation process and will be provided with all necessary materials and documents to perform their tasks.

3. Requirements

The minimum requirements are:
• Master’s degree in relevant disciplines.
• At least 2 years of professional experience working as Professional evaluator on EU funded project.
• Solid Expertise in the topics covered by the Justice Programme.
• Good fluency in English, both written and spoken.
• Excellent writing skills.

4. Indicative timeline for the selection of experts

Applications should be submitted by 08 December 2021. EBIT SRL will contact interested candidates and establish a database of available experts. Selected experts will be contacted directly by EBIT SRL for fixing the interview.

5. Duration and Remuneration

The task start the day 16/12/2021 and ends the 18/01/2022.
The experts will receive 1000€ (VAT and other taxes included).

6. How to apply

For those interested in applying, a detailed Curriculum Vitae in English has to be sent (using Europass format), to

7. Processing of Personal Data

PolicyPursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree 10 August 2018, n. 101 (so-called “Code Privacy “) and art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679, laying down provisions for the protection of persons and others subjects with respect to the processing of personal data, we inform you that the personal data provided by candidates in the occasion of participation in this “Call” will be processed, both manually and with tools IT, exclusively and limitedly for the purposes of the “Call” itself.
The data processing will be imprinted the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of the confidentiality of candidates.
The data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected e treated. The provision of such data is mandatory, under penalty of inability to process the application.

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Co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union

Co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union